Friday, January 23, 2009

The Jim's Holiday Review Extravaganza (Part I)

I've got quite a few items left over from the Christmas/New Year holiday period that I wanted to mention. If I wasn't remarkably lazy, I would have done this earlier. As we're well aware, however, I have a tendency to slack off.

My wife and I have known each other for roughly 2.75 years. During that time, the longest I have ever gone without shaving is 1.5 days. Really, the longest I had gone without shaving ever is somewhere around 5 or 6 days during some summers in high school.

This Christmas, between vacation time and an extended stretch where the office was closed, I was off between December 20 & January 6. I'm not sure why I thought it would be interesting, but as an experiment for Mrs. The Jim, I decided to refrain from shaving for that period.

During that last day, I photographed the shaving process, so as to document the many stages of The Jim's facial hair. I humbly present those findings below:

Phase I (aka The Hobo)
If I ever become a homeless drifter, this could be my mug shot.
Phase II (aka Half-Amish/
Note to my main man Will: Shaving my neck did not improve the look.
Phase III (aka The Evil Jim)
Apparently my evil twin is constantly stoned.
Phase IV (aka The Relief Pitcher)
This guy clearly knows a lot about Harleys.
Phase V (aka The '70s Porn Star)
He's known by his fans as The Walrus.
Phase VI (aka Generic Cop 'stache)
Do you know why I pulled you over, ma'am?
Phase VII (aka The Jim is Back!)
Ah, my normal look: goofy, chubby-faced, and pasty.  Look out, ladies!Until next time,
The Jim


Anonymous said...

That was truly worth subscribing to your blog, Cheese! I laughed do hard and showed the other nurses. Who knows, maybe now you'll have more than 3 subscribers!

Anonymous said...

I love the Jim 'staches!!
