Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm a Multi-Site Superstar!

I was featured in a friend's blog today. Of course, by "featured" I mean he posted the following photo:

Normally, I try to keep the site PG Rated, but the caption is too funny to ignore!

(Click above to see the original post.)

And to answer a question raised in the comments, that girl was, in fact, dancing with me. EVERYONE was dancing with me! I was a large, intoxicated fat man in Jamaica. In short, I was the life of the party!

Next time you're in the mood to read about the life of a doctor/musician/political junkie, make sure to check out my best man's blog over at: Will Maranto's World. He's just starting his site, and I'd be happy to lend the support of my 2 or 3 readers to his cause!

Until next time,
The Jim


Molly M said...

I'm sure Will appreciates the shout-out! So, we have talked about him featuring a semi-regular "guest-blog" spot to give him a little writing break. (Or to showcase the insanity of his friends?) Anyway, I'm sure you'll eventually get tapped if he decides to go through with it.

Unknown said...

Yes sir! I want a guest appearance from The Jim! Call me and we can get this squared away.