Monday, October 27, 2008

This is What Happens When They Make You Grow Up!

Obviously, my post schedule took a big hit during October. Unfortunately, life gets in the way. I had a pretty big crisis pop up recently, and it really took all of my focus away from essentially everything else.

Now, when I say "crisis", I'm not talking about a "My fantasy football team has turned to crap" crisis, or "The cover just fell off of my copy of Fables Volume 3" crisis (although both of those things have happened). No, this was a "Are we going to be able to pay the bills and keep our house" crisis. In reality, things never were that dire, and everything seems pretty much back to status quo for now. It was, however, a pretty harrowing stretch for us.

I'm not going to get into the details. I may do so in a not-too-distant future, depending on how things proceed from here on out. The good news is that for now, everything's cool. Many thanks to all of you who helped out with advice and guidance while the drama unfurled.

Now that I've managed to get back on track, I'm hopping to get back into writing mode. I'm looking forward to it, and I'm sure my three readers are equally enthused.

Until next time,
The Jim

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Is it That Time of Year Already?

This, unfortunately, is not my boss.So it's time for my annual review at work. This time I was asked to write a review of myself, which would then be incorporated with my boss's review. As one can tell by reading anything on this site, I tend to get long-winded, so what should have been a one-page synopsis became a six-page rambling report.

The following phrases were actually included in my self evaluation:

  • fairly strong record of client interaction

  • Developed a methodology for improving speed and accuracy

  • I plan to further my growth in this area (That's what she said!)

  • Establish a reputation of dependability and capability

  • Established a cooperative and convivial work atmosphere (This is my favorite!)

  • Significant initiative and cooperation

  • Provide due diligence
Big words mean you're smart, right?Sounds like a heaping pile of crap, right? Upon further contemplation, here are some of the phrases I should have included, but didn't:

  • Will expand my ability to pretend to work

  • Will uncover the secret to the Super Soldier formula

  • Have evolved into a being of pure energy that shall control all mankind

  • Have never stabbed a co-worker (except for that one guy who CLEARLY HAD IT COMING!)

  • Continue to perform at the same high level demanded by the voices in my head

  • Grow in my mastery of Esperanto

  • Only the third time I saved a bus full of nuns
The business world would be much more fun if I was running things.

Until next time,
The Jim