Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'll Take Potpourri for $200, Alex.

I had some comments on a few things I’ve seen recently, but I didn’t feel strongly enough to do a full fledged review. That being said, here’s a few Entertainment Quick Hits:

Also features the most touching use of a NES since The Wizard.Item 1: Got a chance to see The Wrestler Sunday night. Brian (the Official NFL-Watching Partner of The Jim) called Mickey Rourke’s Randy the Ram “one of my favorite movie characters.” I thought that was a brilliant insight. The movie isn’t really plot driven – it’s a character study. The genius, though, is how complete that character is. After watching that movie, you feel like you truly know every nuance of that character. You know what makes him tick, his flaws, his back story, but it's not like they spell everything out for you. Truly impressive!

The violence in the film had me occasionally unsettled – probably because it was so realistic. (Rumor is a lot of the cuts and injuries ... especially on Rourke ... were, in fact, real. Yet another reason dude needs an Oscar.) And just a little tid-bit for the fellas (and non-traditional ladies) … Marisa Tomei plays a stripper in her 40’s, and she is smokin’ hot! Anyway, take my advice and check it out.

I was, in fact, shook all night long.Item 2: Brian happens to work for a firm that gets free tickets to sporting events and concerts. This Friday, he managed to snag 2 tickets to AC/DC, and I got to tag along. Now, I’m not a giant AC/DC fan. In fact, the whole arena rock milieu isn’t really my thing … I think I got tired of that before I hit high school. That being said – they KICKED ASS!! I don’t know if it’s in my Top 5 concerts, but it certainly is in contention.

Appearing soon on 102.5, The Lite FM.I was struck by three things. First of all, a great, professional band that works hard at putting on a good show can always blow you away ... even if you're somewhat ambivalent towards their music. Secondly, I would have to guess that the average age for that show was mid-30s, and there were plenty of fans who were 50+. It's funny to think that there will come a day when music by Nirvana, Wu Tang Clan, or Red Hot Chili Peppers will be considered "oldies" or "classic," but it'll eventually happen. I'm going to enjoy being a 70-year-old blaring "Straight Outta Compton" from my Towncar. Hopefully, I'll still find the irony of the situation amusing by then.

ANGUS!! ANGUS!! ANGUS!!It also occurred to me that Angus Young is my father's age (Angus turns 54 in a couple of months). This guy ... in fact, ALL those guys ... have a non-stop motor. I can't imagine having that much energy now, much less when I'm in my mid-50's. Angus was in constant motion - and I'm sure those guys aren't exactly health nuts, either. That part just blew me away.

On the plus side, that is a pretty sweet jacket!Item 3: I finally got around to watching Wild at Heart, and I can't say I was overly impressed. Now don't get me wrong ... I'm usually a big David Lynch fan. I like his weird stuff (Blue Velvet & Dune), his REALLY weird stuff (Mulholland Drive & Twin Peaks), and even his normal stuff (The Straight Story and The Elephant Man). I also like Nicholas Cage, for some unknown reason. He's ridiculous, insane, and overacts every given moment, but somehow he seems to make films better.

(As an aside, Mrs. The Jim once had a run-in with him at Mardi Gras, where she kept asking "Nicky Coppola" to hang out with her. True, it's not as cool as living next to the Junkyard Dog, but it's still a pretty nice brush with celebrity.)

Anyway, my point is that there's no reason this film shouldn't have worked, but it didn't really do anything for me. It felt like Lynch used bad overacting and odd dialogue in place of his typical obscure, surreal logic. Cage took his Elvis obsession to insane heights, and it gets really distracting. Throw in some Wizard of Oz references, and I guess you're supposed to have a movie. I wouldn't say that it was horrible, but it's definitely my least favorite Lynch film to date.

Until next time,
The Jim

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Jim's Holiday Review Extravaganza (Part I)

I've got quite a few items left over from the Christmas/New Year holiday period that I wanted to mention. If I wasn't remarkably lazy, I would have done this earlier. As we're well aware, however, I have a tendency to slack off.

My wife and I have known each other for roughly 2.75 years. During that time, the longest I have ever gone without shaving is 1.5 days. Really, the longest I had gone without shaving ever is somewhere around 5 or 6 days during some summers in high school.

This Christmas, between vacation time and an extended stretch where the office was closed, I was off between December 20 & January 6. I'm not sure why I thought it would be interesting, but as an experiment for Mrs. The Jim, I decided to refrain from shaving for that period.

During that last day, I photographed the shaving process, so as to document the many stages of The Jim's facial hair. I humbly present those findings below:

Phase I (aka The Hobo)
If I ever become a homeless drifter, this could be my mug shot.
Phase II (aka Half-Amish/
Note to my main man Will: Shaving my neck did not improve the look.
Phase III (aka The Evil Jim)
Apparently my evil twin is constantly stoned.
Phase IV (aka The Relief Pitcher)
This guy clearly knows a lot about Harleys.
Phase V (aka The '70s Porn Star)
He's known by his fans as The Walrus.
Phase VI (aka Generic Cop 'stache)
Do you know why I pulled you over, ma'am?
Phase VII (aka The Jim is Back!)
Ah, my normal look: goofy, chubby-faced, and pasty.  Look out, ladies!Until next time,
The Jim

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm Taking Over Your Internets, One Site at a Time!

So my main man Will, the Official Best Man of The Jim, asked me to write a guest column for his site. Seeing as he knows my embarassing secrets (yes, even more embarassing than these), I felt pressure to oblige.

Anyway, check me out over at Will Maranto's World. You'll have to forgive the formatting ... I assumed the HTML code for my site would translate to his, but it clearly did not. It ended up far more cluttered than I like. If I ever get asked to do another guest post, I'll have to fix that up.

Until next time,
The Jim

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Almost as Good as The Fighting Okra

I was driving back from lunch today, and I passed the little junior college (Richland College) that's right by my office. I had some time to kill, and decided to drive onto campus to take a look at all the construction I've seen lately. The school and construction ended up being of no interest; however, I discovered something quite exciting!

Apparently, this juco has an athletic program. They didn't, however, want to be dull and call themselves the Tigers, Wildcats, Bulldogs, or any other repetitive moniker. So, they came up with perhaps one of the top 10 college mascots I've managed to uncover.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you ...

The Richland College


I have never seen anyone calmer while wielding a lightning bolt.  Zeus would be proud.
What's a Thunderduck, you ask? Well, this site tries to boil it down for you. Two things of note:
  1. The mascot's full, legal name is R. Möbius Thunderduck, which is likely the only mascot named after a German mathematician and theoretical astronomer; and

  2. The site notes that the word "Thunder" can "be added to almost [any] part of speech to enhance or increase its worth". I didn't realize it before, but they are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! I mean, tell me which is cooler:

THIS is the reason I don't like cats!or


Does Tygra really deserve to be on the front row?  I think not!
Fight on, proud Richland! Fight on!

Until next time,
The Jim

P.S. Stay tuned, as I'm planning a special cross-promotion, a reader contest, and my 2008 holiday in review. That's right, I'm gettin' wild in 2009, Sucka Dog!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's the Ballinest E-mail You Can Get!

Happy New Year!Sorry it's taken me so long to get into writing here in The Big Oh-Nine. I rarely take time off from work, so this year, I took a rather extended one. We traveled around to visit family all over, which ended up being a large distraction from my main duties as the Internet's Poet Laureate.

So, how did the holidays go? Well, I was lazy (more on this later), and I got a pretty good haul (later). You want the details now? Well tough!! As hard as it is for me to come up with topics, do you honestly think I'm going to blow it all on the first post of the year?

This is my new look for 2009!Anyway, all of this is moot, because I've got some GI-NORMOUS news for everyone ... I'M RICH, FOOLS! You see, a couple of days ago, I received the following e-mail:

Congratulations, New year Winner 2009!

The UK E-LOTTERY wishes to inform you that you have won £950,000.00,in an online Sweepstakes International program held in January,2009. To file for your claim, please contact fudiciary agent:Barrister Henry Preston. E-mail:


NOTE:Ensure that you file your claim to

No ... this is my new look for 2009!Of course, anyone would be skeptical about an e-mail purporting to award tons of cash; however, please notice that this is from the UK E-LOTTERY, not some Nigerian prince trying to run a scam. I mean, this Henry Preston guy is a barrister ... he must be legitimate, right?

Needless to say, we're pretty excited at Casa del Jim. £950,000 is roughly $1.4 million, so that's a major windfall for us. Sure, the taxes will be rough, but I'm not going to complain about free money.

Screw that!  THIS is my new look for 2009!Now you may be asking why I - a random dude in North Texas - should win such an award. I certainly didn't enter any kind of sweepstakes, nor did I buy a lottery ticket. I did, however, go to the UK on my honeymoon over a year ago. Based on this fact, the only reasonable assumption to be made is that anyone who ever steps foot in the UK is automatically entered in this contest. Really, they should hype that up more on the travel brochures. That would be a huge selling point over those other countries.

... and this will be my new mode of conveyance!I'm not sure how this prestigious organization got a hold of my e-mail address. I sincerely hope, however, it had something to do with MI-6, Q, and James Bond. And maybe that jetpack from Thunderball - that thing was awesome!

So I'm not sure how this impacts the lives of you, my faithful readers? I'm sure I'll quit my day job, so you'll lose the occasional stories about the exciting world of engineering. This will, however, free me up to write more frequently, which means more posts about a talking French gorilla in love with a disembodied mad scientist's brain! All in all, it's a win for everybody.

Until next time,
The Jim