Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coming Up a Little Short

As you know, the First Annual Crappy Art-a-Thon concluded on July 4. I'm sure everyone is waiting with baited breath to find out the results.

Well, I can officially announce that the increased website membership didn't exactly meet our goals. As of today, we currently have a grand total of seven (7) members. This is a 0% increase from last month. For those of you with mediocre math skills, that's not exactly a sterling result.

What's even worse is that I actually made up the kid.  That's right, I'm now making up an imaginary audience!
Apparently, having some random dude send you trash was not exactly the enticement I expected. Or maybe I made the minor blunder of a trying to drum up support on a site no one reads ... BY POSTING CONTENT ON A SITE NO ONE READS! Now, I'm no marketing guru, but I might see a problem there.

Don't worry, though ... this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever done. Hell, it probably doesn't make the Top 50 list. It certainly doesn't surpass the time I tried out for school mascot, or the time I threw a baseball bat straight up in the air and then LOOKED UP as it plummeted towards my forehead. It's not even close to the time I wandered onto a strange bus in Mexico without any idea as to where it was going. I'm still surprised I didn't end up in some Mexican sweatshop making crappy T-shirts for visiting gringos.

Regardless of the results, I am a man of my word! I stated that all current members would get their own artwork, and you certainly shall ... whether you want it or not! Soon, you'll receive an automated e-mail asking for your preferred artwork theme. Please make sure to respond, otherwise I'll be forced to make something up.

(Or I could just give you a call. It's not like I don't know all of you people personally.)

Until next time,
The Jim

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