Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Haiku Wednesday XXII: Time Flies

I am so behind!
I have zero free time now.
I'm so freaking tired!

It's been brought to my attention that I've yet to make any progress on producing customized artwork, as promised. Also, I've been a bit behind on posting, as I haven't even bothered to write anything about the vacation to San Antonio (in summary - it was nice).

Unfortunately, I have little excuse except that I'm insanely busy. Currently, I'm moonlighting at a second job. The arrangement has worked out pretty well so far, but I'm still only in the first week of it. Between that and the multiple financial wranglings I've had to deal with in the past couple of weeks (don't ask), it's been hectic.

I'll get back into a routine relatively soon. Until then, though, I'll probably be more sporadic than I'd like on the site. Eventually, though, I'll pull things together so that I can again bring you the high level of journalism you've come to expect.

Until next time,
The Jim

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