Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Haiku Wednesday XI: Calculus

"Calculus" is the
Word describing difficult
Math or kidney stones.

(It's true. Look it up.)

Until next time,
The Jim

1 comment:

Brian said...

I hate it when people call it "the calculus."

Also, this weekend I realized that despite the Haiku being a Japanese art form, some of the best haiku writers in the modern era are African-American. Here are but three of thousands of examples:

People say, "You look
Like MC Hammer on crack,
Humpty." That's alright.
- Digital Underground, "The Humpty Dance"

Anyone can play
This game. This is my dance, y'all;
Humpty Hump's my name.
- Digital Underground, "The Humpty Dance"

Me and D and my
Adidas standing on two
fifth. My Adidas.
- RUN D.M.C., "My Adidas"