Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Call Me Mr. Excitement!

Can you feel the excitement?This concludes my One-Post-Per-Day Blogathon. You know what I've discovered? I run out of topics quickly whenever I have to write something daily. I suppose if I had some actual excitement going on, it would be different, but when the most riveting part of my day is experimenting with my meatloaf recipe, excitement is hard to come by!

Cute, aren't they?Meanwhile, I'm watching 20/20 right now, and there's some guy who has set up an illegal bear refuge in Alaska. Apparently he's ignoring the fact that bears eat people, even if they've supposedly "accepted" you into their society. And while it's completely true that this guy is completely insane, I'm sure he has some good stories to tell over dinner.

On the business front, things were pretty tame today. I actually did a small bit of engineering work, and then I had a couple of meetings. One was pretty productive, but the other was ridiculous. This place was so far out in the woods that my GPS system couldn't find a route that didn't require unpaved road. Let me reiterate this: I went to a city hall today that was on a gravel road. The move to Dallas hasn't been quite as glamorous as I envisioned.

So that's about it. I'll take a few days off from posting so that I can come up with some mildly interesting topics, as well as do a little research. That's right - I said research! You think those Captain America pictures just happen?

Until next time,
The Jim


Anonymous said...

I want a new blog!!!! Come on Mr.Excitment you have to have some brilliant thoughts to bestow on us! Your favorite admirer

Jim L. said...

I refuse to acknowledge that I have a favorite admirer. That presumes this stuff is worth admiration.

I think the best I should expect is bewildered onlookers.

Molly M said...

Ok, you really need to get writing. I have been sorely disappointed this week! Bring back the blog-a-thon!